
GitHub’s Secret Scanning

According to McKinsey GitHub is a popular software development and collaboration platform with over 100 million repositories and over 40 million users worldwide. However, with so much code being created and shared, sensitive information can always be accidentally leaked. To help mitigate this risk, GitHub has implemented a secret scanning feature that can detect and alert users to potential security vulnerabilities in their code.  

What is Secret Scanning?  

Secret scanning is a feature of GitHub that allows users to scan their code for potential security vulnerabilities. It searches for specific types of critical information, such as passwords, private keys, and API tokens, that may be accidentally exposed in code. When a potential vulnerability is detected, GitHub sends an alert to the user, allowing them to take action to fix the issue before it can be exploited.  

secret scanning

How Does Secret Scanning Work?  

GitHub’s secret scanning feature is built on its code scanning platform, which uses static analysis to scan code for security vulnerabilities. The secret scanning feature searches explicitly for sensitive information that may be stored in principle, such as hardcoded credentials or API keys.  

When a user pushes code to GitHub, the secret scanning feature scans the code for potential security vulnerabilities. If a vulnerability is detected, GitHub sends an alert to the user, informing them of the issue and providing guidance on how to fix it.

This can include suggestions on how to update the code to remove sensitive information and links to documentation and resources that can help the user resolve the issue.  

Why is Secret Scanning Important?  

Sensitive information accidentally exposed in code can be a significant security risk, allowing attackers to access systems and data they should not have access to. For instance, a developer may accidentally include a password or API key in their code, allowing attackers to access sensitive data, such as customer records or financial information.  

By implementing secret scanning, GitHub can help prevent these types of vulnerabilities from occurring. By alerting users to potential security risks, users can take action to fix the issue before it can be exploited. This can help control data breaches and other security incidents, protecting users and their customers from harm.  

Best Practices for Using Secret Scanning  

While secret scanning can be a powerful tool for identifying potential security vulnerabilities, there are best practices that users should follow to ensure that they are using the feature effectively. These include:  

  • Use Strong Passwords and Access Controls  

One of the best ways to prevent sensitive information from being accidentally leaked is to use strong passwords and access controls. This can help prevent unauthorized access to systems and data, reducing the risk of exposing sensitive information.  

  • Regularly Review Code  

It is essential to regularly review code for potential issues to ensure that code is free from security vulnerabilities. This can include using GitHub’s secret scanning feature to identify potential vulnerabilities and manually reviewing code for other types of security issues.  

  • Educate Developers on Security Best Practices  

To prevent security vulnerabilities from occurring in the first place, it is essential to educate developers on security best practices. This can include providing training on how to securely store and manage sensitive information and guidance on how to write secure code.  


In today’s world of software development, security is more important than ever. With sensitive information being shared and stored in code, it is essential to have tools and processes to identify and prevent potential security vulnerabilities.

GitHub’s secret scanning feature is one such tool, allowing users to scan their code for potential security risks and take action to fix them before they can be exploited. By following best practices for using secret scanning, users can help ensure that their code is secure and free from vulnerabilities.  


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