Enhancing Security and Agility with Managed DevSecOps 

Enhancing Security and Agility with Managed DevSecOps 

Security has become a paramount concern in the ever-evolving software development landscape. Gartner states that “DevSecOps is the integration of security into emerging agile IT and DevOps development as seamlessly and as transparently as possible. Ideally, this is done without reducing the agility or speed of developers or requiring them to leave their development toolchain environment”.

Traditional security practices implemented as an afterthought often lead to vulnerabilities and delayed responses to threats. To address this challenge, DevSecOps has emerged as a proactive approach combining security into every software development lifecycle phase. In this specialized blog post, we will explore the concept of Managed DevSecOps, its key components, and the benefits it brings to organizations seeking to enhance security and agility in their development processes. 

Understanding DevSecOps:  

DevSecOps is an extension of the popular DevOps methodology emphasizing collaboration, automation, and integration between development, security, and operations teams. While DevOps primarily focuses on accelerating software delivery and improving collaboration, it takes it a step further by integrating security practices from the beginning. Managed DevSecOps builds upon this foundation by leveraging third-party expertise and tools to streamline and enhance the security aspect of DevSecOps implementation. 


Critical Components of Managed DevSecOps: 

  1. Continuous Security Monitoring:  

This emphasizes continuous security monitoring throughout the development lifecycle. This involves employing automated tools and techniques to identify and remediate security vulnerabilities in real time. Security scanning, code analysis, and penetration testing are performed at regular intervals to ensure robust protection against potential threats. 

  1. Security Automation and Orchestration:  

Automation is a core element of this technology. By automating security processes such as vulnerability scanning, threat intelligence, and incident response, organizations can significantly reduce manual effort and enhance the efficiency of their security operations. Orchestration allows for seamless integration between different security tools and systems, ensuring a coordinated and streamlined security workflow. 

  1. Secure Infrastructure as Code (IaC):  

Infrastructure as Code is crucial in modern software development, allowing organizations to manage their infrastructure through code. The focus extends to ensuring the security of the infrastructure code. By incorporating security checks and best practices into the code itself, organizations can enforce security measures consistently across their infrastructure, reducing the risk of misconfigurations and vulnerabilities. 

  1. Threat Intelligence and Vulnerability Management:  

Managed DevSecOps integrates threat intelligence and vulnerability management as essential components. By staying updated on the latest security threats and vulnerabilities, organizations can proactively identify potential risks and take appropriate measures to mitigate them—vulnerability management tools aid in tracking, prioritizing and resolving vulnerabilities systematically and efficiently. 

Benefits of Managed DevSecOps: 

  • Enhanced Security Posture:  

Managed DevSecOps provides organizations with a proactive approach to security, ensuring that security practices are integrated from the beginning of the development process. Organizations can identify and address vulnerabilities in real-time by implementing continuous security monitoring and automation, reducing the attack surface and enhancing their overall security posture. 

  • Accelerated Time-to-Market:  

Contrary to the common misconception that security slows down development, this promotes agility. By incorporating security practices into the development workflow, organizations can address security concerns early on, minimizing the need for last-minute fixes and delays. This enables faster delivery of secure software and reduces the time-to-market. 

  • Compliance and Risk Management:  

Managed DevSecOps assists organizations in meeting regulatory compliance requirements and managing security risks effectively. By automating security checks, organizations can ensure adherence to industry standards and best practices. Regular vulnerability assessments and threat intelligence integration enable organizations to identify and mitigate risks before they can be exploited. 


Managed DevSecOps is a robust methodology that integrates security seamlessly into the software development process. By adopting this, organizations can enhance their security posture, accelerate time-to-market, ensure compliance, and foster team collaboration.  For more knowledge read our blogs on our website Auxin.io.