Choosing the Right SAST Program: A Guide to Success in Cybersecurity
According to Gartner, selecting a successful SAST (Static Application Security Testing) program involves understanding the different types of testing available and choosing the one that suits the organization’s needs. It is also essential to consider the language and framework support offered by the SAST tool and whether it integrates with other security tools. The tool’s accuracy, scalability, ease of use, and reputation the vendor should also be evaluated. The selection process should involve input from various stakeholders, including developers, security professionals, and executives, to ensure that the chosen tool meets the organization’s requirements. A comprehensive evaluation of the tool’s capabilities can help organizations select an effective SAST program that fits their needs.
If you’re a software developer, keeping track of all the vulnerabilities that might crop up in your app’s code can be challenging. It’s not easy to scan every line of code–and even if you do, how do you know which ones are a priority and which are harmless? That’s where static application security testing (SAST) comes in. SAST scans your whole codebase at once, giving you an overview of potential vulnerabilities so that you can prioritize accordingly. In this post, we’ll cover what it is, its benefits over traditional manual code reviewing techniques, and how it works practically, with examples from popular tools like Brakeman or Code Climate.

The Basics
So you want to know more about SAST, eh? Well, you’re in luck! This section will cover the basics of static application security testing.
Running a SAST Scan
Once you’ve chosen a tool, you can run it on your codebase. This is usually done manually or via an automated process that regularly runs. In either case, the scan will identify vulnerabilities in your code and produce a report containing potential issues.
SAST scans are typically integrated into CI/CD pipelines so that you can easily see what has changed from one build to another and track progress over time. In addition,these scans can be used in DevOps processes—for instance, if a developer is working on a feature that requires security checks before being deployed to production servers (such as making sure they don’t introduce vulnerabilities), they can integrate their tool into the deployment pipeline so that it automatically runs all tests before committing changes to source control
SAST can help you find and fix coding issues before they get into production.
SAST is a way to check for coding errors. Its typical use is to find vulnerabilities that might be missed with dynamic testing (or black-box testing) alone. It can help you find and fix coding issues before they get into production, making your app more secure and reliable when released.
SAST is a great way to ensure your code is secure before it gets into production. If you want a deeper understanding and how it works, check out our blog post. We hope this article helped clarify some static application security testing questions! For more insightful blogs, visit